Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Political Decision making

When is the President's decision making not political? Bush has asked Rumsfeld to resign following the Republican losses yesterday. He was asked why he didn't do it earlier especially after saying that Rumsfeld was doing a "fantastic" job and would be there until 2008. His response was that he never makes his decisions based on political expediency and that he didn't want to discuss a possible change before the elections.

What? Isn't every decision the President makes, by it's very nature, a political calculation? Bush can safely kick Rumsfeld to the curb now because the political climate is ripe for that change. Hanging on to the Defense Secretary before the elections was done specifically to avoid appearing to doubt the job that being done. Isn't this the same "fantastic" job evaluation that the FEMA chief received after Katrina?

These types of things should be done when they are necessary or desired, not when the political winds give you some cover to do so. Bush is definitely right when he says this is a chance for a new set of eyes and a new management style.

Step 1 of a new America


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